Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Another milestone

My baby is growing up and losing her baby parts..namely her teeth. Saturday night, January 3, 2009, Athena lost her first tooth. She was eating some gummy candy and it twisted forward. We 'rushed' to the sink and rinsed the gusher (more like a trickle to most of us) of blood away so we could see the tooth. I attempted to remove the tooth, but I could not get two fingers on it, so I asked Athena if she could grab it because my fingers were too big. Not only could she but she pulled her own tooth out!! We washed it and wrapped it up for the tooth fairy. Then the excitement could not be contained!!! We called Mommy at work, Nana and Pop, Grandmom and Granddaddy, Seleste and Scott, and Lisa. We also had to take a picture of the new space in between her teeth. Bedtime was rushed so the tooth fairy would bring her a surprise. The next morning, bright and early, Athena rushed to my room, and in a sound only dogs can hear, exclaimed 'the tooth fairy came and brought me a dollar!!!!!!!!!!'
After, dragging myself out of bed we made a special breakfast of pancakes (yes I can cook) and the phone calls began again as I was informed there were still a few people on the planet that were not made aware of this momentous occasion. so we called Grandma and Great Grandmom and Great Granddaddy. (Both of whom had trouble hearing the soft-spoken Athena on the phone.)To cap off the the big event, Athena's friend called and invited her to the Aquarium Sunday afternoon.

1 comment:

Frank DiCosola said...

BC, congratulations to Athena! Happy to hear the whole event went well. I'll have to congratulate her the next time I drop Anthony off at school in the morning.
