Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Ghosts, Goblins, and Ariel

Every kids favorite day is here...FREE CANDY ALL YOU CAN EAT!!!! Athena is ready she attended a party at grandmoms office, next she has a school party, then she gets to trick or treat in two neighborhoods!! (I need some of her candy to keep up)

Athena has also had a busy week in school. She is mastering her writing skills and they are up to the letter "Ff". Along with that they made custom aprons. And many, many pictures/works of art have been brought home. (none of which are allowed to be tossed out. maybe we can create a file folder for them?!?) She is starting to read although she doesn't realize it yet. And she loves to spell! (Bring on the little asian kid in the national spelling bee)

Athena has picked up, the jist, of a daddy expression. She now announces that she's 'put me under the bus'. They're so cute aren't they...LOL

I wish everyone a safe and spooky Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!